Yoga Studio & Instructor Photography

I love photographing yoga instructors and studios for their promotional material and websites. As someone who is passionate about space and movement, it is a joy to spend time with aligned people.

The studio space is bright and spacious, with high ceilings and white walls. The light bounced beautifully around the room, and I was able to perfectly balance my strobe with the window light, for a natural look without shadows. This is always my goal.

Close imagery creates a connection with the viewer. You can see the concentration in this eagle pose.

Yoga instructors assisting students to ensure alignment and proper muscle activation.

Iyengar yoga is characterized by extreme attention to alignment and the correct action. Find out more at Vancouver Iyengar Yoga.

Suzanne Rushton

Your SEO BFF + Photography + Business Consulting

Mindful Movement Retreat in Portugal


Olympic Peninsula Photography Workshop with Art Wolfe